Silence is Complicity



a call for action from the
radical left within Germany


As repression is on the rise and the war on Palestine continues, we need your help. Demand that your allies in Germany get their act together and denounce the Genocide and the illegal colonial occupation of Palestinian land: No more silence, ask your German alliances for an official written position on the Genocide and the Occupation of Palestine

Insisting not to engage with German groups in the future unless they've taken a stance, means to engage directly with them now and let them know Germany is on the wrong side of history. It's that simple.


The German state is a staunch supporter of Israel: its military support increased nearly ten-fold the past year, its police crackdown on pro-Palestinian protests and racial profiling relentless. As anti-BDS resolutions passed in the lower house of the parliament, university sit-ins were met by riot police and left-leaning cafes and organizing spaces in Berlin raided without any show of solidarity from the broader left.

The public discourse is dire. Deutsche Welle media organisation fired Arab staff for pro-Palestinian journalism with impunity, Documenta art-exhibition vandalized for having pro-Palestinian Indonesian artists - which of course themselves got cancelled - and cultural centers lost their state funding for hosting events with anti-zionist Jews. After more than a year, we are looking at less than a handful of mainstream groups and NGOs in entire Germany (Amnesty DE and Medico) that have publicly taken a stance against the Genocide. From the colonial genocide in Namibia, the genocides of the Nationalsocialist regime and now the attempt to redeem German collective guilt of the past through the Genocide of Palestine; the continuity of the German state is that of white supremacy.


Inside our movements on the radical left, key people are promoting zionism and making sure pro-Palestinian voices are silenced. Due to intimidation and personal safety, a lot of our stories are still not able to go public. Inside our movements, we're targeted by zionists that have infiltrated the scene - in many a case their strategies of silencing are enabled by German white mid-aged men that sit in decision-making roles, that volunteer to facilitate mediating processes and that pretend to be neutral when appropriate. Through deflection and weaponizing anti-semitism, these parties are the enablers of the silencing, using informal power structures to create a culture of intimidation.

Inside the radical left we are attacked by certain self-identified left-wing groups, engaging in monitoring and databasing Palestinian activists and pro-Palestinian activism inside Germany. They create portfolios of human right activists, anti-colonialist advocates and Palestinians, to be able to black-mail them with false accusations of anti-semitism. For years such secret dossiers are then passed on to film-screenings, organisers and institutions hosting events in Germany, to get events cancelled and speakers disinvited.

Of countless stories, we've seen how a well-known Noborders magazine shut down the publication of an article chronicling the link between Frontex and the Israeli military apparatus. We saw how several of our German movements have vetoed statements from their social-media teams to condemn the Genocide in Gaza. The silence is deafening: one main actor in the German Search-And-Rescue scene has, unknownst to their own activists, an annual contract to get risk assessments from an Israeli security firm. An Israeli firm that among other things has ties to Mossad and Shin-Bet, with one of their expertises being the monitoring of pro-Palestinian movements. Other groups like Rote Flora squat and FC St. Pauli in Hamburg have silenced pro-Palestinian voices from within, and come out blatantly in support of Israel.


Get in contact with your colleagues and connections working from or within Germany, start the conversation and if possible, put your cooperation on hold until they take a public position: No more silence, ask your German alliances for an official written position on the Genocide and the Occupation of Palestine


Tips for having the conversation:

  • Make a clear statement of 1) your position, 2) how they can meet your demands, and 3) what else is needed for your cooperation to continue. Put the reality of Palestinians and their voices in the center of this.
  • Research or reach out to Palestinian groups and individuals in Gaza or elsewhere, if you want to amplify their voices. Dont speak on their behalf
  • To be able to hold your allies accountable, positions should be able to be made public in written form. The conversations and negotiations and results should be documented, as a minimum the overall results should not be subject to any confidentiality. Share your experience
  • Let your allies know that you are open to dialogue, and be open to their possibly slow internal process. Be realistic about your limits. Dont give space for deflection, intimidation and whataboutisms, you make the demands
  • Set time-limits for the process of the conversation, at some point it might go nowhere and you must move on
  • Share your experience



Discuss this letter in your networks and places of organisation first, and SIGN ON if you are willing to hold your allies in Germany accountable.

What is required after signing on, is that you engage in conversations with your colleagues and groups working from or within Germany. Let them know your demand, and that cooperation will not be possible unless they have an official written position on the Genocide and Occupation

Please SIGN ON in name of your groups/organisations/institutions. If not possible, you can sign on as individuals too - just consider mentioning what field of activisms/work and areas you are in active in. For groups mostly active inside the German borders, feel free to sign as well if you need support in your struggles and make it visible.

Make your demand heard, and support the Germany radical left's fight for Palestinian justice


from within Germany


from the outside

Metamorfosis Queer Ecology and Degrowth

Queer Ecology, Anticapitalism, Post-growth (ES, IT)


Migration, Transfeminism, Environment, Peace (IT)



Silence is Complicity is a small network of individuals active on the German radical left. We are entirely without affiliation or funding.